Emily & Kayla’s Awkward Family Photos


Awkward Family Photos Katie Gilbert Photography

The theme for Emily, Kayla, and Hagrid’s family session was awkward family photos! This is such a funny trend, so I was excited to capture this cute couple with their adorable fur baby. 

I was thrilled to take Emily & Kayla’s family photos again! I’ve done every kind of session with this awesome couple. They always bring joy and excitement to their sessions! Check out a dreamy lavender field session they did with me last summer!

This time, because of the unusual vision for these photos, we did a ton of prep work to make sure we got what we wanted. I laughed so hard at the inspiration they sent me! It was total cringe.

Awkward Family Photos Katie Gilbert Photography

This was such a fun challenge for me because I’m usually concerned with the opposite goal! I’m so used to trying to make photos as least awkward-looking as possible. We laughed and laughed all the way through!

But hey, these gals are stars. I think they can nail any kind of photo! Since they’re both so naturally goofy, they went above and beyond, and I’m loving every second of it.

Emily & Kayla were open to all kinds of suggestions, and we worked hard to make sure that these photos were winners. We were constantly looking for new ways to make it even more awkward.

Awkward Family Photos Katie Gilbert Photography

I think we did so well! Seriously, this session was amazing for just 20 minutes. We moved fast and laughed a lot, which made for some great memories!

Unfortunately, Hagrid, the dog, was not having it at all. He’s such a hit or miss when it comes to photos, and since today was a little hot, he was feeling totally drained. That said, I’m so impressed that we got the ones we did!

He was so over his overalls, but hey, they looked fantastic! Thanks for taking one for the team, Hagrid. You made us all grin!

Awkward Family Photos Katie Gilbert Photography

Awkward Family Photos was such an awesome idea. Life’s too short not to be quirky! I loved every second of it, Emily & Kayla! Thanks so much for lighting up the world.

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